Can we just be the first to say it?
When you visit the new lakealpineresort.com, “wow” might just be the first thing you say, as well. They have taken our photos and displayed them in such a clean and classy manner, we are thrilled with how good they’ve made us look. But then, I guess we did the same for them, as well. Win-win.

Last fall, we spent some time at Lake Alpine Resort, flying the drone, shooting with the non-flying cameras (as we’ve come to know our Canon gear), and just generally enjoying a beautiful alpine getaway.

The real heart behind the Resort is its people. Most notably, the owners and caretakers Steve, Gigi, and Abbott. In fact, when we first started sharing some of our photos on social media, there were more comments about how great they were, than about the photography.
If they weren’t such wonderful people, we might be offended.

Using the drone in conjunction with our Canon gear, we’re able to show visitors some unique views and features of the Resort. Sometimes a birds-eye-view can really offer a valuable perspective.
We are thrilled to be working with Lake Alpine Resort to help with their branding, and showcase what this amazing recreation area nestled deep in the Sierra has to offer.
Please enjoy just a little more of our photography, and do visit not only Lake Alpine Resort’s new website, but also the Resort itself, for a fantastic getaway with great food, fun, and friendly faces.