
Lennox VRF headaches – and solution!

This won’t be a very exciting blog, but my hope is it’ll help someone down the line. The situation: We have an older house, built in the ’70s. In April of 2024, we got a […]

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Bad Rag in InDesign

In researching this problem where my text seems to have a forced line break long before it should, I learned the term “rag.” When using left-justified (not force-justified) text layout, the pattern of where the […]

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“Disk Error” when trying to open raw files on a server

If you’re reading this, you probably don’t need any further explanation of the problem, but I’m going to give you a bit anyway, in the hopes that the words I use will help the search […]

Posted in Photography Tagged , , , , , , |

Africa – there and back.

Recently we took a trip to Africa. The primary goal was to kayak the Okavango Delta, for our next volume of Scenes From A Kayak. But while we were taking the time to get there […]

Posted in Kayaking, Life, Photography Tagged , , , , , , , , |

Comma Coffee – A place to pause

One of my favorite authors, Deborah Harkness, writes in her All Souls trilogy about a character whose third eye opens when she encounters someone or something that speaks to a place deeper within her. Ok, […]

Posted in 360º, Photography

Lake Alpine Resort’s new website

Can we just be the first to say it? WOW! When you visit the new, “wow” might just be the first thing you say, as well. They have taken our photos and displayed them […]

Posted in Drone, Food, Photography, Portraits Tagged , , , , , , |

We know how to cut the mustard.

Or, to be more precise, the cookie. A recent job for a customer who loves Nevada. Yep. We don’t do it a lot, but one of the services Geminai offers is designing and 3-D printing […]

Posted in 3-D Printing Tagged , , |

Life happens in 360º

Recently, we invested in a 360º camera. After some practice, our first full “virtual tour” happened at Artsy Fartsy Art Gallery in Carson City, Nevada. I posted the individual images on our Facebook page, but […]

Posted in 360º, Photography Tagged , , , , , , , |

Drone Rules, and Why They’re Important

Imagine a society where only some drivers needed to have licenses, and those without licenses could choose whether or not to obey the rules of traffic. I’ll give you a second to let that sink […]

Posted in Drone, Opinion

Hope Valley Drone Panoramas

While Kippy and I were exploring the snowy Sierra today we got a break in the clouds and snow, so I decided to pop our flying robot camera up to see if I could get […]

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